
We stock a formidable range of eco-friendly, engaging, and adorable baby rattles and baby rattle toys for Australian bubbas. From soft rattles that your little eco babe can snuggle up with, to our great retro-looking bio-plastic rattles which are easy to grasp and hold, we offer so very many options, and all are vetted to our strict standards for quality and eco-friendly materials.

Shake, baby rattle, and roll

Baby rattles and teething toys provide great entertainment to babes and can be a wonderful distraction if they are distressed. They also provide that educational element, giving your baby the opportunity to improve their fine motor skills and hand-to-eye coordination any time throughout the day.

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Baby Bunny in a Blanket Rattle Toy by Manhattan Toy Manhattan Toy Baby Activity Toys at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Baby Bunny in a Blanket Rattle Toy by Manhattan Toy

$29.95 AUD$19.95 AUD
In love with this sweet baby shower gift set, that is a thoughtful way to welcome a little one into the world. It includes a soft bunny-themed burp cloth made...
Haba Rainbow Rattle Haba Baby Activity Toys at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Haba Rainbow Rattle

$32.95 AUD
Made in Germany, the Haba Rattle has a fascinating pitter-patter effect when tipped end to end. Easy to grasp with little hands, the brightly coloured rainbow rattle fosters a sense...
Liliputiens Teether Toy Rattle Marius Lilliputiens Dummies and Teethers at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Liliputiens Teether Toy Rattle Marius

$26.95 AUD
The Lilliputiens Teether Toy Rattle Marius is a a beautiful natural teether toy made from 100% natural rubber and using plant based pigments for dye. Marius is a deep teal...
Lilliputiens Ignace Eco Wooden Rattle Little Earth Nest at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Lilliputiens Ignace Eco Wooden Rattle

$29.95 AUD
Add eco-friendly fun to your baby's toy collection with the Lilliputiens Ignace Eco Wooden Rattle, the sweetest little donkey teether toy we have ever seen. We love that the Lilliputiens...
Lilliputiens Joe Eco Wooden Sensory Rattle Little Earth Nest Dummies and Teethers at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Lilliputiens Joe Eco Wooden Sensory Rattle

$29.95 AUD
Add eco-friendly fun to your baby's toy collection with the Lilliputiens Ignace Eco Wooden Rattle with the most fantastic intricate dragon teether toy in the highest quality of baby toys....
Meiya Mouse Natural Rubber Rattle Little Earth Nest Dummies and Teethers White at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Meiya Mouse Natural Rubber Rattle

$22.95 AUD$15.95 AUD
What a fantastic, practical baby toy and teether friend - the Meiya Mouse Natural Rubber Rattle has a big squishy head and chewable ears, nose, and face as well as...
Miyim Ring Rattle Miyim Rattles Lion at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Miyim Ring Rattle

$19.95 AUD
Miyim Ring Rattles are just about the cutest baby toys you can imagine, there is no compromise on design, aesthetic or environmental credibility with these beautiful super soft baby rattle...
Nature Bubz Luna Rattle Nature Bubz Dummies and Teethers at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Nature Bubz Luna Rattle

$28.95 AUD$20.95 AUD
The stunning Nature Bubz Luna Rattle adds a natural and playful touch of style to your baby's sensory play. We love that the Nature Bubz range is women-owned, designed and...
Nature Bubz Rainbow Baby Rattle Nature Bubz Dummies and Teethers at Little Earth Nest Eco Shop Geelong Online Store Australia

Nature Bubz Rainbow Baby Rattle

$27.95 AUD
Nature Bubz is an Australian-made, eco-friendly baby rattle made from silicone beads that are food grade, durable, non-toxic, and a great texture for baby to chew. We love the combination...